The ReMath Project's Main Deliverables
Main Deliverables
1. Integrative Theoretical Framework (Version C) |
Description: |
At the origin of ReMath lies the contrast between the huge efforts performed in most European countries to improve mathematics education through the development and use of Digital Dynamic Artefacts and the limited impact of these efforts on the reality of school practices. The hypothesis made by the ReMath partners is that the fragmented character of the theoretical frames developed to approach learning and teaching processes in such environments on the one hand and the insufficient attention that research in that area tends to pay to contextual issues on the other one, play an important role in the permanence of such an unsatisfactory situation. Thus, the ReMath project looks for integrative perspectives in terms of theoretical frameworks and the choices made so as to closely link their construction to the development of specific DDAs and to the experimentations with them, carried out in realistic educational contexts. |
Authors: |
Michèle Artigue Contributing Authors: E. Alexopoulou, J. Alshwaikh, M. Artigue, C. Cazes, H. Chaachoua, G. Chiappini, K. Kahn, C. Kynigos, J.-B. Lagrange, M. Latsi, L. Maffei, M. Maracci, M. A. Mariotti, C. Markopoulos, C. Morgan, F. Moustaki, J. F. Nicaud, B. Pedemonte, G. Psycharis, E. Robotti, C. Sabena, J. Trgalova, F. Vandebrouck, N. Winters |
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2. Refined Version of the Dynamic Digital Artefacts |
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The Refined Version of all the DDAs and descriptions of the final improvements, their history of design and development, their final form and their perspectives in terms of development and deployment were prepared for Deliverable 16. The developers of the six DDAs collaborated with the research teams and, taking into account the WP4 reporting, performed several changes to the previous version of the DDAs. Bug fixing, evolutions to the existing functionalities, introduction of new components and enhancements to the existing interfaces are a few of the changes the developers reported in Deliverable 16. |
Authors: |
Jean-François Nicaud, Christophe Viudez Contributing Partners: CTI, DIDIREM, CNR-ITD, NKUA-ETL, TALENT, IOE-LKL |
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3. Scenario Design, Final Version |
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An evaluation model aiming at assessing the adequacy of both the pedagogical scenario concept and the Pedagogical Plan Manager was developed to capture the picture of the scenario concept and the PPM, seen from different users’ perspectives, namely from the author’s, the reader’s and the experimenter’s in ReMath. A “meta-analysis” on how partners have used the pedagogical scenario, was also conducted by ITD. The detailed results of the evaluation are presented in D17. The Deliverable also presents the final version of the ReMath Pedagogical Plans. |
Authors: |
R. Bottino, J. Earp, G. Olimpo, M. Ott, F. Pozzi, M. Tavella Contributing Partners: UJF, DIDIREM, UNISI, ETL, Talent, IOE-LKL |
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4. Design-Based Research: Process And Results |
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This deliverable reports on the results of the 13 ReMath Teaching Experiments conducted in real educational settings in four different countries for 248 hours, with students and teachers from 22 classes, ranging from 7th to 12th grade. The respective data were collected and analysed by the research teams. UNISI -the WP4 leading team- provided four methodological tools which all facilitated the comparison among the “results” coming from the different Teaching Experiments. The term “results” mentioned above refers both to the “research results” regarding the research issues addressed through the TEs and to the “didactical results” concerning the feedback provided by the TEs with respect to the designed PPs and in particular to the use of the DDAs. The comparison and synthesis of the results are reported in Deliverable 13. |
Authors: |
Maria Alessandra Mariotti, Mirko Maracci Contributing Authors: E. Alexopoulou, J. Alshwaikh, M. Artigue, C. Cazes, G. Chiappini, H. Chaachoua, A. Koukiou, C. Kynigos, J.-B. Lagrange, L. Maffei, C. Markopoulos, C. Morgan, F. Moustaki, B. Pedemonte, G. Psycharis, E. Robotti, C. Sabena, J. Trgalova, F. Vandebrouck. |
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5. MathDiLS - Release Version of the Integrating System |
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MathDiLS is a digital library designed to exchange information among the partners of ReMath project. MathDiLS addresses the needs for information exchange among DDAs. In order to satisfy the aforementioned demand, a set of services are being provided to our partners. These services are operating over the web and may be used by client web-based applications (such as the DDAs which are enhanced in the framework of ReMath). |
Authors: |
Nikos Karousos, Vassilis Kallistros Contributors: Dora Nousia, George Gotsis |
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6. Dissemination and Use Plan (Version C) |
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This deliverable outlines the planned and realised dissemination and exploitation activities of the ReMath Project during the 3rd Reporting Period. It also contains a description of the updated Plan concerning the dissemination of the knowledge attained and a description of the products developed up to the end of the Project. It focuses on three different target groups: the academic community and the wider research community in Mathematics Education, the teacher community at National and European level and the community of software developers. |
Authors: |
Chronis Kynigos, Moustaki Foteini Contributing Partners: DIDIREM, UJF, ITD-CNR, UNISI, ETL-NKUA, TALENT, IOE/LKL |
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