The CTI ReMath Team

Research Academic Computer Technology Institute

cti logo.gifResearch Academic Computer Technology Institute (CTI) is an academic, non-profit R&D organization, financially and scientifically independent, supervised by the Greek Ministry of Education. Established in 1985 and hosted in two cities, Patras and Athens, CTI has a staff of about 250 people (which includes senior researchers, University faculty members, computer and software engineers, postgraduate students) and conducts basic and applied research targeting specific areas of computer science and technology. At an operational level, it functions according to the regulations governing the private sector and is governed by a nine-member Board of Directors. CTI has gone from strength to strength by coordinating and participating in hundreds of R&D, technology related, European projects, emphasizing equally on basic and applied research. CTI's R&D activities are performed by the Information Society Sectors and the Research Units.
The eLearning Sector of CTI has a large experience in designing and implementing innovative software for interdisciplinary subjects, including web applications for communities and collaborative work, educational games, and educational software. The Sector consists of researchers that have permanent collaboration with CTI, skilled software engineers, and other technical staff. During the last 5 years, the eLearning sector has designed and implemented eight R&D projects (funded by the EC: IST/IP/Palette, IST/IP/Remath, Μinerva/ieus, eLearning/emuse, eLearning/e3, funded by national funds: isocrates, eOmogeneia, Archaiorama, Ellinourgimata.


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