Partners' Publications Related to the Project
Publications Related to the Project Publications (2006, 2007, 2008, 2009)
Kynigos, C., Psycharis, G., Moustaki, F. (submitted). Meanings generated while using algebraic-like formalism to construct and control animated models. International Journal for Technology in Mathematics Education. |
Bottino, R.M., Kynigos, C. (submitted). Mathematics education & digital technologies: facing the challenge of networking European research teams. International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands. |
Kynigos, C., Psycharis, G. (submitted). The role of context in research involving the design and use of digital media for the learning of mathematics: boundary objects as vehicles for integration. International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands. |
Lagrange, J.B., Artigue, M. (2009). Students’ activities about functions at upper secondary level: a grid for designing a digital environment and analysing uses. Proceedings of 33rd Conference of the IGPME, Thessaloniki, Greece, July 19-24, 2009. |
Maracci M., Cazes C., Vandebrouck F., Mariotti M-A. (2009). Casyopée in the classroom: two different theory-driven pedagogical approaches. Proceedings of the Sixth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 6), Lyon, France, January 28 – February, 1, 2009. |
Chaachoua, H., Viudez C., Bouhineau D., Nicaud, J.-F. (2009). Graphical representations associated with algebraic tasks in Aplusix. In Actes de la conférence ICTMT 2009. |
Gélis, J.M. (2009). Une double approche, par objets et registres, appliquée aux actions des élèves dans des EIAH d’apprentissage de l’analyse. Actes de la conférence EIAH 2009, Environnements Informatiques pour l’Apprentissage Humain, Le Mans, 23-26 juin. |
Psycharis, G., Latsi, M., Kynigos, C. (in press). Meanings for fraction as number-measure by exploring the number line. International Journal for Technology in Mathematics Education. |
Maracci, M., Mariotti, M.A. (in press). The teacher’s use of ICT tools in the classroom after a semiotic mediation approach. Proceedings of the Sixth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 6), Lyon, France, January 28 – February, 1, 2009. |
Chiappini, G., Robotti, E., Trgalova, J. (2009). Role of an artefact of dynamic algebra in the conceptualisation of the algebraic equality. Proceedings of the Sixth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 6), Lyon, France, January 28 – February, 1, 2009. |
Bottino, R.M., Ott, M., Pozzi, F. (2009, in print). Taking up the challenge of evaluating research results in the field of Technology Enhanced Learning. Lectures Notes in Computer Science. |
Maffei, L., Sabena, C., Mariotti, M.A. (2009). Exploiting the feedback of the Aplusix CAS to mediate the equivalence between algebraic expressions. Proceedings of the 33rd PME (in press). |
Trgalova, J., Chaachoua, H. (2009). Relationship between design and usage of educational software: the case of Aplusix. Proceedings of the Sixth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 6), Lyon, France, January 28 – February, 1, 2009. |
Morgan, C., Alshwaikh, J. (2009). Learning about motion in a multi-semiotic environment. Research in Mathematics Education, 11(1), 79-80. |
Lagrange, J.B., Minh, T. K. (2009). Approaching functions via multiple representations: a teaching experiment with Casyopée. Proceedings of the Sixth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 6), Lyon, France, January 28 – February, 1, 2009. |
Bouhineau, D., Trgalova, J., Nicaud, J.-F. (2009). Analyse d'EIAH en arithmétique et en algèbre. In Actes de la conférence EIAH. |
Chiappini, G., Pedemonte, B. (2009). The design of new digital artefacts as key factor to innovate the teaching and learning of algebra: the case of Alnuset. Proceedings of the Sixth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 6), Lyon, France, January 28 – February, 1, 2009. |
Cazes, C., Maracci, M., Vandebrouk, F., Mariotti, M.A. (submitted). Connecting theoretical frameworks: an example of cross-analysis. Submitted for ICTMT9, Metz, France. |
Markopoulos, C., Kynigos, C., Alexopoulou, E., Koukiou, A. (in press). Mathematisations while navigating with a geo-mathematical microworld. Proceedings of the 33rd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education Tzekaki, M., Sakonidis, B., Kaldrimidou, M. (Eds), Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece. |
Lagrange, J.B. (submitted). Teaching and learning about functions at upper secondary level: designing and experimenting the software environment Casyopée. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology. |
Kynigos, C., Psycharis G., Latsi, M. (in press). Meanings for angle through geometrical constructions in 3d space. Proceedings of the 33rd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education Tzekaki, M., Sakonidis, B., Kaldrimidou, M. (Eds), Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece. |
Pedemonte, B. (2009). The algebraic manipulator of Alnuset: a tool to prove. Proceedings of Conference of European society of Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 6), Lyon, France, January 28 – February, 1, 2009. |
Chaachoua, H., Trgalova, J. (2009). Un scénario pédagogique avec le logiciel Aplusix. In Espace Mathématique Francophone, Dakar, Sénégal. |
Psycharis, G., Moustaki F., Kynigos, C. (in press). Reifying algebraic-like equations in the context of constructing and controlling animated models. Proceedings of the 33rd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education Tzekaki, M., Sakonidis, B., Kaldrimidou, M. (Eds), Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece. |
Morgan, C., Alshwaikh, J. (2009). Mathematical activity in a multi-semiotic environment. Paper presented at the Sixth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education, Working Group 6 Language and Mathematics. |
Bottino, R., Earp, J., Olimpo, G., Ott, M., Pozzi, F., Tavella, M. (2009). Pedagogical Plans as Communication Oriented Objects. In Abstract Book CAL’09 – Learning in digital worlds, Brighton, March 23-25 2009. |
Moustaki, F., Psycharis, G., Kynigos, C. (in press). Making sense of structural aspects of equations by using algebraic-like formalism. Proceedings of the Sixth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 6), Lyon, France, January 28 – February, 1, 2009. |
Nguyen C.T., Gélis, J.M. (2009). Casyopée : un environnement interactif d’apprentissage des fonctions au lycée. Démonstration, Actes de la conférence EIAH 2009, Environnements Informatiques pour l’Apprentissage Humain, Le Mans, 23-26 juin. |
Chiappini, G., Robotti, E., Trgalova, J. (2009). Role of an artefact of dynamic algebra in the conceptualisation of the algebraic equality. Proceedings of the Sixth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 6), Lyon, France, January 28 – February, 1, 2009. |
Markopoulos, C., Kynigos, C., Alexopoulou, E. Koukiou, A. (in press). Navigation in Geographical Space. Proceedings of the Sixth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 6), Lyon, France, January 28 – February, 1, 2009. |
Cazes, C., Gélis, J.M., Minh T.K. (2009). Instrumentation Process of a Digital Environment in the Study of Functions at Upper Secondary Level: a Case Study over Two Years. 9th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching, Metz, 6-9 juillet. |
Trgalova J. (2008). Représentation sous forme d'arbre des expressions algébriques dans le logiciel Aplusix. In Actes du Séminaire national de la didactique des mathématiques, 18 et 19 janvier 2008, Paris, France. |
Lagrange, J-B., Gelis, J-M. (2008). The Casyopée project: a Computer Algebra Systems environment for students’ better access to algebra. Int. J. Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning, Vol. 18,Nos. 5/6, pp.575–584. |
Pedemonte, B., Chiappini, G. (2008). ALNUSET: a system for teaching and learning algebra. International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning (IJCEELL) 18, 5/6, 627-639, Interscience Publ. |
Lima, I., Trgalova, J. (2008). Connaissances des professeurs susceptibles d'influencer leurs décisions didactiques. In 2e Simposio Internacional de Pesquisa em Educacao Matematica (SIPEMAT), Recife (Brésil). |
Trgalova J. (2008). Integrative theoretical framework to address issues of ict in mathematics education: Telma and Remath projects. In 11th International Congress on Mathematics Education, Monterrey (Mexico). |
Bottino, R., Earp, J., Olimpo G., Ott, M., Pozzi, F., Tavella, M. (2008). Supporting the design of pilot learning activities with the Pedagogical Plan Manager. In M. Kendall and B. Samways (eds.), Learning to live in the Knowledge Society, Springer, pp. 37-44. |
Morgan, C., Alshwaikh, J. (2008). Learning about motion in a multi-semiotic environment. Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics, 28(2). |
Pedemonte, B., Chiappini, G. (2008). Algebra On Numerical SETs: a system for teaching and learning algebra. International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning, Vol 18, Nos. 5/6, 627-639, Inderscience Publishers. |
Cazes C., Maracci M., Vandebrouck F. (2008). Casyopée dans la classe: comment les théories guident les scénarios pédagogiques d'usage. Actes du colloque Didirem, Université Paris Diderot, 4,5 et 6 Septembre 2008. |
Trgalova, J., Chaachoua, H. (2008). Development of Aplusix software. In 11th International Congress on Mathematics Education, Monterrey (Mexico). |
Chiappini, G.P., Pedemonte, B., Robotti, E. (2008). Using Alnuset to construct the notions of equivalence and equality in algebra. In Kendall M. and Samways B (eds), Proc. IFIP, Learning to Live in the Knowledge Society, vol. 281, 345-348, Springer Sci.Business Media, N.Y. |
Morgan, C., Alshwaikh, J. (2008). Imag(in)ing three-dimensional movement with gesture: 'playing turtle' or pointing? In M. Joubert (Ed.), Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics (Vol. 28(3)). London: BSRLM. |
Trgalova, J., Aldon, G., Gueudet, G., Matheron, Y. (2008). Ressources pour l'enseignement des mathématiques: conception, usage, partage. Institut national de recherche pédagogique (INRP). Les journées d'étude mathématiques "Ressources pour l'enseignement des mathématiques: conception, usage, partage" ont été organisées par l'Institut National de Recherche Pédagogique. |
Maffei, L., Mariotti, M.A (2008). Aspetti meta-cognitivi legati all’utilizzo di un micromondo il caso di Aplusix. Form@re. Newsletter ISSN:1825-7321. |
Alexopoulou, E., Kynigos, C., Markopoulos, C. (2007). Changing a half-baked 3d navigational game. Proceedings of the 10th Eurologo Conference, I. Kalas & A. Walat (Eds), Comenius University of Bratislava. |
Pedemonte, B. (2007). Structural relationship between argumentation and proof in solving open problems in algebra. 5th CERME Conference Proceedings (European Society for Research in Mathematics Education), 22nd-26th February 2007. |
Chaachoua, H. (2007). L'analyse des manuels dans l'approche anthropologique. In actes International Organisation for Science and Technology Education IOSTE. Hammamet (Tunisia). |
Nicaud, J.-F., Bittar, M., Chaachoua, H., Inamdar, P., Maffei, L. (2007). Experiments with Aplusix in four countries. The International Journal For Technology in Mathematics Education. 13 (2). |
Chiappini, G., Pedemonte, B., Robotti, E. (2007). Alnuset come strumento per integrare l'algebra delle quantità, delle operazioni e delle funzioni nella pratica didattica. SFIDA 27 Proceedings, 25th May 2007. |
Maffei L., Mariotti M.A. (2007). Memorizing algebraic formulas: The support of a microworld. European Research in Mathematics Education V. Proceedings of the Fifth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education, Larnaca, Cyprus 22-26 February 2007. 1460-1469. |
Pedemonte, B., Robotti, E. (2007). Alnuset: uno strumento innovativo di approccio all’algebra e agli insiemi numerici. Genova Scienze Cognitive GESCO - Meeting n° 1 Genova, 12th June 2007. |
Trgalova, J., Trouche, L. (2007). What scenarios for the design and integration of ict tools in mathematics? In IMICT conference (IFIP), Boston. |
Bouhineau, D., Nicaud, J.-F., Viudez, C. (2007). Adding new representations of mathematical objects to Aplusix. In proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching. Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic, isbn 978-80-7041-285-5, jul 2007. |
Pedemonte, B., Chiappini, G. (2007). ALNUSET: a new artefact for teaching and learning algebra. ICTMT8 Proceedings, 1-4 July 2007. |
Lagrange, J.B. (2007). The Casyopée project: linking enactive experience of functions with algebraic representations. La matematica e la sua didattica, Anno 21, n. 1, 2007, XX-XX. |
Chiappini, G., Pedemonte B., Robotti, E., Vannucci, F. (2007). Uno scenario didattico centrato su Alnuset per favorire la comprensione dell’equivalenza e dell’ uguaglianza algebrica. SFIDA 28 Proceedings, 14th December 2007. |
Chiappini G. (2007). Tecnologia, matematica e sordità: modelli e strumenti per l’azione didattica e l’integrazione. Difficoltà in Matematica, vol 4 n° 1. |
Chaachoua, H., Bouhineau, D., Viudez, C., Nicaud, J.-F. (2007). Introduction de nouvelles représentations dans le micromonde Aplusix représentations sous forme mixte naturelle arbre et sous forme graphique d expressions algébriques. In Actes de la conférence EIAH2007, Environnements Informatiques pour l'apprentissage humain, Lausanne, 27-29 juin, Lausanne Suisse, INRP. |
Lagrange, J.B., Chiappini, J.P. (2007). Integrating the learning of algebra with techonology at the european level: two examples in the Remath project. Proceedings of Conference of European society of Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 5), Larnaca, Cyprus. |
Chaachoua, H., Nguyen, A.-T., Le Thi Hoai, C. (2007). Une analyse de manuels dans une perspective ecologique: le cas de la résolution des équations du second degré dans l'enseignement secondaire au Vietnam et en France. In actes International Organisation for Science and Technology Education IOSTE. Hammamet (Tunisia). |
Chiappini, G., Pedemonte, B., Robotti, E. (2007). Alnuset. TD-Tecnologie Didattiche, num.41, vol.2, 2007, pp. 37-46, Edizioni Menabò, Ortona. |
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Earp, J., Pozzi, F. (2006). Fostering Reflection in ICT-based Pedagogical Planning. In Proceedings - First International LAMS Conference, Sydney, Australia 6th-8th December 2006 (the paper received the “Best paper Award”). |
Chaachoua, H., Nicaud, J.-F., Bouhineau, D., Trgalova, J. (2006). Developing interactive learning environments that can be used by all the classes having access to computers: the case of Aplusix for algebra. In The Seventeenth ICMI Study: Technology Revisited, Hanoi, pages 1-11. |
Bouhineau D., Nicaud, J.-F. (2006). Environnements Informatiques et Apprentissage Humain, Chapitre 15: APLUSIX, un EIAH de l'algèbre. Pages 333-350. Collection IC2. Hermès-Lavoisier, Grandbastien, Monique and Labat, Jean-Marc (Eds). |
Pozzi, F., Earp, J. (2006). Approaching pedagogical planning in learning design. In A. Méndez-Vilas et al. (eds.), Current Developments in Technology-Assisted Education (2006), vol. 1, pp. 281-286, FORMATEX. |
Trgalova, J., Lima, I. (2006). Didactic decisions: the case of reflection. In Proceedings of the 30th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 16-21 July 2006), Prague, Czech Republic. |
Aldon, G., Trgalova, J., Trouche, L. (2006). Intégration des tice dans les classes de mathématiques: quelles interactions entre la recherche et les acteurs de cette intégration? Dossiers de l'ingénierie éducative, 56:82-85, dec. |