The DIDIREM ReMath Team
DIDIREM - Université Paris 7 Denis Diderot
DIDIREM is a sub-team of the Laboratoire ANDRE REVUZ for didactics of Physics and Mathematics of the University Paris Diderot (Paris 7).
ICT in Education (TICE) is one of DIDIREM central research themes. Work is developed in three fields:
- Designing technological tools for mathematics teaching and learning.Current projects in this field include Lingot-Pepite ( ) and Casyopée ( ).
- Analysing uses of digital technologies for mathematics teaching and learning. Uses in this field include specific mathematics learning environments (above mentioned projects), professional software transferred to teaching (spreadsheet project) as well as digital online and offline resources. The cross analysis of Casyopée classroom uses in Italy and France is an important dimension.
- Observing and conceptualising teaching practices with technology. Work in this field is done in connection with a general theme of the DIDIREM team about the mathematics teacher. A project is conducted in the Brittany region for the dissemination of Casyopée: it involves a group of 'second adopters' working under the supervision of expert teachers to prepare classroom situations.