The Dynamic Digital Artefacts
A specific set of six Dynamic Digital Artefacts (DDAs) was designed and developed during the ReMath Project. They have been selected in order to reasonably reflect the existing diversity of representations provided by ICT tools. A variety of domains and representations have been chosen so that each one constitutes an innovative DDA either with respect to the representation itself or with respect to how it can be put to use, or both. Another way of describing the DDAs is with respect to their designed proximity on the one hand to traditional curricula, epistemologies and didactical functionalities and on the other to innovative representations or pedagogies designed to challenge traditional practices.
In the first review they were presented in our perceived order from the former to the latter end of this continuum which was:
- an extension to the Aplusix editor of algebraic expressions to include a tree representation of such expressions and an environment integrating it with the existing one,
- an extension to the Casyopée - calculator of functions’ to build a component for enactive treatment of relations and the passing between these relations and algebraic expressions,
- AlNuSet - the building of a microworld consisting of an Algebraic Line and Algebraic manipulator component for visual representation of geometrical and symbolic manipulation of number sets,
- MoPiX - a tool for programming games and animations with equations,
- MaLT - an extension to the ‘Machine-lab’ authoring system for interactive virtual reality scenes to include a mathematical scripting mechanism and a set of programmable and mathematical controllers (such as variation tools and vectors) for manipulating virtual objects, their properties and relations between them in small-scale 3d spaces,
- Cruislet - an extension to the ‘Cruiser’ G.I.S. and geographic space navigator to include a mathematical scripting mechanism and custom mathematical user interface controls for vector-driven navigation in 3d large-scale spaces.